SPONSORED POST: Burger King’s Subservient Chicken

burger-king-brought-back-the-famous-subservient-chicken--with-a-twist10 years ago Burger King’s Subservient Chicken was at the height of his popularity! This was before social media mind you which makes him a true internet superstar! But as all things awesome do, they come to an end and subservient Chicken was quickly replaced by a Panda!

Of course immediately following his fall from popularity as with most Hollywood stories, Subservient Chicken fell on hard times as the calls stopped coming in, and even his agent dumped him after sending him to one last gig which was a birthday party for some snot nosed kid.

Shortly after that disgraceful engagement Subservient chicken finds himself homeless, on the streets. A shell of his former self. That’s when he meets the man who will change his life.

Embarking on a fitness regimen in a style straight out of the Rocky movie training montage Subservient Chicken begins to change his life. He goes from being a weak scrawny tender chicken and becomes transformed into the Chicken Big.

Check out the video below to see the amazing transformation for yourself! You will be amazed!

The fast food chain struck advertisement gold when they introduced the Subservient Chicken character, a man dressed in a chicken costume who was featured in commercials and an interactive website.
People would go onto the Subservient Chicken website and type in commands for the chicken to perform, like jumping jacks, push-ups and dance moves.
The campaign was to promote Burger King’s TenderCrisp sandwich. The fast food restaurant is reintroducing the campaign, along with its new Chicken Big King sandwich.
This is a sponsored post from Burger King but the commentary is our own!

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Deaqon James

is just a regular run of the mill guy trying to make his way into the world of luxury and exclusive experiences! Happens to also be the Publisher and a Photographer at FASTLANEMag.com. You can email him tips, story ideas, and diagrams of the apocalypse .