What The 12 Days Of Christmas Would Actually Cost!

So we’ve well at least many of us have grown up hearing if not singing the song about the 12 days of Christmas. In case you’ve never done the math there are 364 items mentioned in the song that would put a dent in your bank account of $107,000.00. This according to PNC Wealth Management.

Oddly enough the price for all the non-golden egg laying geese, calling birds, French Hens, milking maids etc has gone up 6.1 percent from last years cost. Yes people actually did research about this stuff. The biggest price uptick came from the bird gifts following a 2011 drought that raised the cost of corn and other feed. Get out your checkbook and check out the list below.

Partridge, $15; last year: same
Pear tree, $189.99; last year: 169.99
Two turtle doves, $125; last year: same
Three French hens, $165; last year: $150
Four calling birds (canaries), $519.96; last year: same
Five gold rings, $750; last year: $645
Six geese a-laying, $210; last year: $162
Seven swans a-swimming, $7,000; last year: $6,300
Eight maids a-milking, $58; last year: same
Nine ladies dancing (per performance), $6,294; last year: same
10 lords a-leaping (per performance), $4,767; last year: same
11 pipers piping (per performance), $2,562; last year: $2,428
12 drummers drumming (per performance), $2,776; last year: $2,630

So there you have it!

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